Thursday, February 21, 2013

Let's get started...

I thought for my first post I would tell you all a little about me, the nitty gritty of the life style I live, and what brought me to where I am at my young age ;)

My name is Melanie and I am a 22 year young momma of a 17 going on 18 month old crazy and wild little man. I am married to my high school sweet heart who I have been with for on and off 7 years now!

When I was 19 my then ex-boyfriend (we were taking a break) enlisted in the Army, and I was at college, living it up to say the least! I was originally majoring in Business, and for the life of me, I have no idea why.  I made amazing life long friends, and had a blast with my independence. Ironically, after only a short 1 1/2 yrs later, back with my boyfriend, and in debt to say the least, I decided that I wasn't sure what my life calling was and I would take a break from school and loans for awhile.  I bounced off ideas from Culinary school, to Brown Aveda for Hair, back to my business idea, Childhood education, and X-ray tech... the list goes on. I was a lost 19 year old, with a boyfriend who had just left for basic training, and no idea what I wanted to do with my life.. everyone goes through this right? haha Only getting to see him every once in awhile, I got a job and lived at home and waited for an answer on what to do.

Well, It came! On my 20th birthday I drove down to Fort Bragg, where my boyfriend was currently stationed to celebrate our birthdays together (his is 10 days before mine). That night I took two pregnancy tests (maybe a little bit buzzed because we were both nervous for the answer, Shhhh). Low and behold, Both came back without a hint of being negative. I was Pregnant!

We found out later we were having a boy (Nick, my husband, called it from the beginning! I hate when he is right lol) I stayed home while he finished training and magically, the weekend he came home for Labor day, Sonny arrived! He was the most perfect baby I had ever seen (I know all moms say that about their own, and seriously, once you have one you'll understand!) We did the long distance relationship until that next Christmas. Nick, Sonny and I got our first apartment in Fayetteville, NC. Not the nicest city but it was 2 hours from Wilmington which we LOVED!

We are now 22 and 23 years old, stationed in Okinawa Japan. Crazy right?! 
Nick works long days and will be gone a lot for work. Sonny and I stay home, go to the park, bake A TON, and find ways to keep us occupied and sane all while missing home! 

I love to bake, cook, and try new ideas from Pinterest all the time! I share with my family at home all the time , and figured I'd document it here, and maybe share with some of you! My posts will most likely be very random, from workout and health tips I have loved, to new dessert recipes, or tips for toddlers! 

I hope you enjoy! 
Sorry this was so long :)

Coming up:
My recipes for Buffalo Chicken dip and Pay Day bars!
And my take on the Lost It! app